Sunday, March 10, 2019

Required: 10 Items

Image result for Made in China
T-shirt from Forever21 -  U.S
Nike Shoe - Indonesia
Pink sweater - Sri Lanka
Lance Camuto panties - China
Charlotte Russe skirt- Mexico
Aeropostale dress- China
Charlotte russe dress- China
BailyBlue  dress- Vietnam
Wet Seal dress- Mexico
Candies Outerwear- China

Out of all these items, only one was made from Forever 21. I remember talking about excessive labor and I believe that is what is going on when American companies take their work somewhere else. It is cheaper over there, the money currency in different countries are lesser than the U.S which means that the workers there get paid less than what they should earn. Companies don't have to worry about providing benefits and they don't have to worry about the rules that apply to them here in the U.S, which means that they can pollute the environment there all they want. I believe the reason why some shoes or clothes are supper uncomfortable is that the workers in the different country are alienating their jobs. They just don't care about the quality because they aren't getting paid enough.

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