Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Required: Youtube "Wealth Inequality in the United States"

We all know that money is distributed differently from poor to rich, but how different is the reality compared our thoughts and ideal? This video tells us that most Americans are already aware that the system is unfair; also, it enlightened us at how unfair it actually is.
This picture below shows what reality actually is from over 5,000 participants ideal and thoughts about the money distribution in America.
Image result for wealth inequality in america  

There is little to no money distributed to the bottom 20%. It amazes me how 1% of America has 33% more of America's wealth than the bottom 80% of the U.S population.
Image result for wealth inequality in america

There are many cases of theft in Stockton. I believe the majority of them are from the bottom 40% of the U.S population because it usually occurs around the impoverished area. I would always hear sirens chasing after cars or getting to a destination from where I live. I can't fathom how many times I would hear someone (usually well off white folks) say that they don't feel threatened because they live on the 'better' side of Stockton.    

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