Thursday, April 25, 2019

Henslin: Showing My Color

People were judged and criticized because of the color of their skin. This brings me to the beauty standards we had throughout the years. People bleached their skin to be 'whiter' and 'brighter' because having skin was part of the beauty standards. Now people started tanning because they think that darker skins are more desirable. Either way, you will get criticized for bleaching your skin because you are not comfortable in your own color, get criticized for tanning because you look too orange, too yellow, or it didn't look natural. I'm a born and raised Asian American or some may call it, a 'yellow' skinned person, and when people tell me to act like my race how should I respond? I agree with Clarence Page feelings towards the metaphor of the melting pot. She prefers the mulligan stew metaphor because whatever that was put into the stew didn't melt but they all added their own flavors into the stew. We should all learn to accept one another instead of trying to set a standard where we can't reach. We should all add in our own flavors into society instead of blending everyone into a melting pot. 

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